The safest, cheap and fastest way to send money to Brazil

Why choose Fint Money?

Avaliable 24/7

Send money any
time you need by
  our app

Low Cost

We have great exchange
rates to ensure maximum
value for money.

Secure and

Fully authorized by VQF


We strive to provide the
absolute best customer
care service with a friendly
multilingual staff
at your disposal.

About Us

The FINTMONEY based in Zürich is affiliated with VQF, an organ of self regulation of official intermediation companies recognized by the Swiss Authority FINMA.

Send money in 3 simple steps:

Enter the amount

Tap on the sending amount and see exactly how much your beneficiary will receive.

Choose the recipient

Enter the full name and details of the recipient.

Payment method

Select how you wish to pay the transaction, for example, debit card, credit card or bank transfer.

Download our APP!


Most common answer and question

Why do I need documents to register?

We are authorized by VQF and registered with FINMA in Zürich. We are legally required to verify the identity of all our clients.

We accept Bank Transfer to our Bank accounts and payment made via credit or debit cards.

You can send money to as many people as you want as long as you meet our verification conditions.

Your delivery time depends on your country, but we can assure you that your transfer will be initiated immediately your fund is received in our account. Please do make sure your fund is successfully processed by your bank to avoid payment delay.

We will always notify our customers via email and text messages to keep them informed about their transactions. You can even view the transfer status by signing in into your online account.

Get in touch

Phone Number

+41 44 240 4850

Business Hour

08:30 - 17:30 / MO - FR


Tellstrasse 31 - 8004 - Zürich